.Welcome to Day 114 of the revamped Art Infliction.

It's a somewhat light yet eventful day for site news today, so let's begin.

First up, Tat Tuesday has updated and last week's entry on that page has moved to Inflindication.

And speaking of Tuesday, it's that time again, as it's the seventeenth consecutive Twitter Tuesday product promo, with the revamped Art Infliction Jigsaw Puzzle being the product this time around.

And that's not the only news concerning Art Infliction/Spenny products, the Hotguanas Sash has been converted into and renamed the Siren Sash as a sneak at our future project, Spenny's Sirens.

And finally, Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention has updated, as Warrior has been added to that page's rankings.

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.


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